Gabrielle Alessi-Friedlander served as our first Reentry Ready Associate and helped to create systems that contributed to our overall success.
Ed Chung, Mai Fernandez, Larry Fitch, Joan Gillece, Christopher Grewe, Shon Hopwood, Vivian Nixon, Betsy Pearl, Arthur Rizer and Carter Stewart provided sound advice and good counsel that informed the dialogue process.
David Fairman of the Consensus Building Institute provided expert facilitation for our stakeholder meetings and Stuart Butler, Convergence Board Member and Fellow, was a helpful thought partner during the project.
Thank you to Tal Yaari, Communications Associate, for graphic design of the final report; Pamela Roper Wagner for copyediting, and Monumental Communication LLC for microsite design and development.
Finally, to our stakeholders, without your enthusiastic, earnest, and thoughtful participation, the Reentry Ready project would not have been successful in its mission to surface recommendations designed to transform incarceration and reentry. Because of your efforts, a set of actionable strategies are put forth in this document, if implemented, will facilitate reentry success. Thank you all for being so generous with your time, talent, and intellect!